Tinder is using ObjectRocket by Rackspace to power its matching and rating capabilities.

The mobile dating app uses the database-as-a-service platform to simplify its database management. Tinder can use the automation around sharding to scale horizontally without taxing its internal resources.

The move to Rackspace and its scalable solutions has so far seen Tinder improving its performance and stability by four times.

Tinder’s small staff also benefits from IT support provided by Rackspace; the globally popular app has only 40 employees, including 25 engineers.

Ryan Ogle, CTO of Tinder: "Rackspace’s offering is the best of breed. ObjectRocket by Rackspace is the fastest, most reliable MongoDB offering that we’ve ever tried, and with Fanatical Support® and Rackspace Managed Cloud, we can rest assured knowing that we always have a team of dedicated experts on our side, operating as an extension of our in-house team.

"With such a popular, fast-growing app, this type of scalability and support is crucial for the success of our business."

"The amount of data that businesses collect is growing exponentially, and the tools, knowledge and skills needed to manage that data at scale are becoming increasingly important as a result," said John Engates, CTO of Rackspace.

He added: "With ObjectRocket, Tinder leverages Rackspace’s economies of expertise in the data space so they can avoid the cost and burden of managing their data themselves. This way, Tinder can focus on performing at scale and continuing to innovate to connect more people around the globe."