Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Lotus Development Corp has now come up with a version of the Lotus Notes workgroup computing software for Macintosh. This product enables Apple Macintosh users to communicate, share information and develop workgroup applications together with Microsoft Windows and IBM OS/2 users running the current versions of Lotus Notes. Part of Notes Version 3, Notes for Macintosh runs as a client or front-end application on the full range of Mac computers, including the PowerBooks. It can be used for applications such as sales management, customer service tracking and document management. Remote or networked users can create, edit, sort and store shared Notes documents, develop Notes applications and use Notes system-inde-pendent system services, such as security and database replication technologies. The Notes for Macintosh client supports Apple’s System 6.04 and System 7 operating systems and connects via LocalTalk, Ethernet or Token Ring networks to Notes servers under IBM’s OS/2 operating system.