The Australian developed LookSmart search engine was included last week as one of the four premier provider engines chosen by Netscape Communications Corp for the next edition of its NetSearch browser function – due for release on June 1 (CI No 3,416). Excite Inc is Netscape’s core search engine provider, but 50% of the traffic from Netscape’s site will be routed to LookSmart and the three other premier search providers, Infoseek Corp, Digital Equipment Corp’s Alta Vista division, and Lycos Inc. LookSmart was developed in Melbourne by LookSmart International Pty Ltd, a privately held Australian company. In 1996, managing director Evan Thornley approached the Readers’ Digest with the idea of developing the LookSmart search engine, and the publisher came to the party with funding. Thornley last week completed a buyout from Readers’ Digest, with around $20m sourced from Cox Interactive Media, Walden International Investment Group and Australian Mezzanine Investments. Not all of the funds return to Readers Digest – an undisclosed portion will be used to market LookSmart. Thornley is also considering a Nasdaq listing down the track.