The Swiss computer peripherals maker said its MX610 laser cordless mouse incorporates 2.4GHz digital cordless technology and an on-board microprocessor. As the mouse is capable of two-way communication with the PC, it can inform users when their mouse battery is low, and notify them when they receive an email or instant message. Quite what the appeal of this function is, especially when most users would be notified by their screen display anyway, is unclear.

One function of the new mouse, however, is its ability to sense if there is wireless interference from other devices, an increasingly common problem with today’s numerous wireless devices, and to change channels to establish the most secure connection.

Other features include the ability to sense the power status of the PC. For example, the mouse can sense when the PC has gone into sleep mode or is shut down. The mouse powers down accordingly. This gives the mouse an expected battery life of three months. An indicator light on the mouse lights up when the battery has less than 10% power left.

Also, the mouse uses laser tracking, which gives it the ability to see more surface detail than a typical optical mouse using a red light-emitting diode. This means that laser-based mice can track more accurately and will work on a wider variety of surfaces.

The mouse also has 10 buttons, including volume up, volume down, and mute, for controlling music on the PC. It also includes Logitech’s Tilt Wheel Plus Zoom scroll wheel, which allows users to scroll left, right, up and down, and zoom in and out of images, web pages, and so on.

The MX610 will be available in the US and Europe at the beginning in October. The price in the US will be $60.