Logica, a business and technology service company, has won a five year contract with Lantmannen and Scan to manage their IT systems and processes for over 13.000 employees across 18 countries.

The contract includes operational and capacity services as well as management and development of applications and systems. Logica said that around 180 employees will transfer to its Nordic team. These employees will, through an acquisition, transfer from Conagri, Lantmannen and Scan’s jointly owned IS/IT company.

Under the outsourcing partnership agreement, Logica said that it will be able to provide Lantmannen and Scan with the IT systems and business reliability needed to support their food production, distribution and delivery.

Logica said that with the acquisition of Conagri, it will strengthen its capabilities in the infrastructure outsourcing management arena, with particularly expertise in mainframes with the operation of enterprise systems such as Lawson M3 and IBM iseries. The acquisition is subject to the approval of the Swedish Competition Authority.

Stefan Hasselgren, CIO of Lantmannen, said: “We had already communicated our intention to find a new owner for Conagri and we are delighted to announce that in Logica we have found a partner that fulfils all of Lantmännen and Scans requirements and expectations.

“We were looking for an international partner with a local presence and with strong relationships with companies such as Microsoft, IBM and Lawson. With this new relationship, we look forward to continued cost-effective delivery for ourselves and our customers.”