Logica Plc has teamed with Abekas, Carlton Communications Plc’s broadcast supplier and maker of disks used in post-production houses, to launch the Clipstore multimedia video server aimed at the post-production and broadcasting markets. Clipstore combines Logica MediaView technology which enables preview and playout from standard personal computers in a single, or networked configuration, with Abekas Disk Recorders. MediaView is a visual database searching and browsing program that can search the contents of a video disk of both still and moving images to find the precise frame the user requires, using a keyword search. Clipstore is a multimedia video server but not for video-on-demand, because it only has a short storage time. It can store around 62 seconds of broadcast quality uncompressed video clips, or around 1,800 still images. The product’s niche market is the where short, quality clips are needed, such as for weather and sports programmes. It will mean users can do away with tapes and videos. Being uncompressed, the clips can go straight to air. The disk has a four-channel output and a Windows user interface. The 62 seconds of video storage is a limiting factor of the product at the moment, but the system is being developed to store more data. Logica says the product is different because it runs on a standard 50MHz 80486 computer with 16Mb memory. Clipstore is currently in beta trials. Abekas will sell and distribute its Clipstore product worldwide. Logica will engineer systems based around Clipstore initially for the European market.