Linx Printing Technologies Plc seems to be back on track for now. The first half of last year was particularly disppointing for the Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire-based printing systems company so it is pleased to report pre-tax profits this time of ú614,000 against a loss last time of ú258,000 on turnover up 59% to ú6.8m. This is largely due to markets outside the UK. Continental Europe and the Americas have seen the largest jump in sales, an increase in the latter from ú167,000 to ú800,000, with Brazil performing particularly well. It saw a worrying slowdown in China during the half, but has turned this around now, according to chairman Michael Moore. Investment in laser development of ú250,000 and other higher development costs largely accounted for operating expenses rising by 16%. Spending will continue on the laser development programme in the second half before any return is seen next year. Linx expects similar this half, and the board recommends an interim of 0.7 pence.