Toronto-based LinkAge Software Inc and Santa Monica, California-based Isocor Inc have integrated their messaging and directory systems under the Windows NT system. LinkAge’s new X.400/SNADS Gateway connects to Isocor’s Isoplex X.400 Message Transfer Agent, to provide messaging communications between IBM host-based mail systems and X.400. X.400/SNADS Gateway performs complete status mapping to support Conformation of Delivery and Read Receipt requests. The Gateway communicates with an Isocor Is oplex Message Transfer Agent using Isocor’s X/API stack. In support for the Gateway, LinkAge Directory Exchange has been extended to provide automatic name and address mapping between X.400 and SNA Directory Services environments. In addition, it provides complete directory synchronization between leading SNA Directory Services directories and X.400. X.400 users are automatically registered in IBM directories so users can select recipients from their normal user interfaces. Isocor’s Isoplex Directory Services will interoperate with LinkAge Directory Exchange to synchronize X.500 directories with IBM OfficeVision and Profs, Fischer TAO and Verimation Memo, as well as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Mail, Lotus Notes and cc:Mail and HP OpenMail. The LinkAge X.400/SNADS Gateway is due to ship later this month, and it will cost $15,000 for an unlimited user license.