Lineo Inc, formerly Caldera Thin Clients Inc, has shipped Embrowser, an embedded micro web browser designed for use by loyalty programs and affinity groups. The software enables users to customize internet browsing interfaces for set-top boxes and other embedded devices. The selling point is freedom from overbearing software suppliers, not mentioning any names, and their intrusive branding on startup screens. Embrowser gives control of the look, feel and user experience of the internet set-top interface and navigation screens to the OEM manufacturer, explained Lineo CEO Bryan Sparks. The first thing a consumer sees at power on is what the OEM wants them to see, not the branding and controlled content of the underlying software company. Currently based on DR-DOS, Embrowser is in the process of being ported to Embedix, Lineo’s embedded Linux operating system. The Linux version of Embrowser is expected to ship before the end of the year.