Lightwave Logic has revealed a new application specific electro-optic material platform which can support various applications for the military, aerospace, fibre-optic telecommunication and optical computing market segments.

The company has stated that it is beginning the initial prototype of a phase modulator using its prototype photonic chip, scheduled for completion by the end of the third quarter of 2009. The phase modulator is expected to demonstrate the performance of the electro-optic material technology to the target markets.

Jim Marcelli, Lightwave’s CEO, said: We believe we have created a technology with the first electro-optic polymer material platform to exhibit the ability to support a range of applications through the fine tuning of our Perkinamine class of materials.

The company has indicated that it plans to finish development and build functional prototypes of 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s modulators during the first and second quarter of 2010. It is also looking at joint ventures to support the production and distribution of these products lines.

The company said that its material test results indicated that it has reached the performance benchmark to move ahead with commercialisation of its new platform with both optical and thermal stability required to meet the performance requirements.