Billerica, Massachusetts-based LightStream Corp – the joint venture 80% owned by Bolt, Beranek & Newman Inc in partnership with the Ungermann Bass Inc arm of Tandem Computers Inc – and Tellabs Operations Inc have formed an alliance for joint development and distribution of Asynchronous Transfer Mode switching systems for information service providers, such as carriers, on a worldwide basis. According to the companies, the alliance will combine LightStream’s Asynchronous Transfer capabilities with Tellabs’ strong presence in the carrier marketplace. The new systems will be based on the LightStream 2010 Asynchronous Transfer switch, announced last August. The companies plan a licensing agreement whereby Tellabs will develop new – unspecified – features and functions, adapting LightStream 2010 products for use by service providers. The licensing agreement will also enable Tellabs to expand the capabilities of its Synchronous Optical Network-based Titan 5500 digital cross-connect system, DXX integrated access and transport system, and other Tellabs networking products, say the companies. Tellabs will pay royalties for the right to distribute future products incorporating the LightStream technology, and the two companies plan to negotiate an OEM agreement under which Tellabs will distribute the current LightStream 2010 Asynchronous Transfer switch on a non-exclusive basis. No timetable has been given for roll-out of the new systems.