LifeSize Communications, a division of Logitech, has released new high definition video conferencing offerings and product enhancements to help enterprises collaborate more efficiently, with more deployment and management capabilities for IT administrators.

The company said that its Version 4.7 of system software, lets organisations share information such as presentations and spreadsheets over the network using the Passport system and integrated video conferencing system LGExecutive. A new software application LifeSize Virtual Link, enables this data sharing live or on demand with the use of a PC or Mac.

In addition, Version 4.7 software also enables Passport and LGExecutive, to stream live HD Video and record, via the Video Center. The Desktop updated Version 2.0 software now supports data sharing and 720p HD transmit capability.

LifeSize said that their new Transit Client, combined with Transit Server, provides a network address translation (NAT) and firewall traversal offering for businesses, allowing HD video calls to be made both within and outside the organisation.

The Transit Client is available as either a hardware appliance or a virtual machine option, facilitating enterprises to deploy a firewall/NAT traversal offering in their existing server farms without the need to provision extra equipment.

The firm claimed that its Version 5.0 of its video management software Control enables IT administrators to manage critical elements of the network, maintaining HD video conferencing, even in heterogeneous video environments.

Craig Malloy, CEO of LifeSize Communications, said: "These new offerings and product enhancements from LifeSize allow organisations to ensure HD video communications capabilities are broadly available with the highest quality of experience.

"With every new innovation and advancement, we continue to make good on our promise for HD video communication to become as ubiquitous and easy as a telephone call."