Under the terms of the agreement, Level 3 will continue to increase bandwidth on current circuits and provide additional circuits as needed in all 12 Cbeyond metropolitan area markets. In doing so, Level 3 will assist in the scaling of Cbeyond’s network capacity and the ongoing migration from traditional Time Division Multiplexing to ethernet technology using metro ethernet private line services.

In addition, Level 3 will provide new metro ethernet private line services in Detroit, San Francisco, and Minneapolis to enable Cbeyond’s expansion in those markets. Level 3 also provides Cbeyond with voice and high speed internet services.

Richard Batelaan, COO of Cbeyond, said: As Cbeyond continues to flourish in existing markets and expands into new markets, we are pleased to continue our long-standing relationship with Level 3 as they provide us with high-bandwidth network offerings. Level 3’s ability to turn up ethernet solutions effectively is proving to be a considerable asset in our growth strategy.