Legent Corp, headquartered in Vienna, Virginia, says that its Multimage Manager product will support IBM’s new Enterprise Systems Architecture/390. Legent plans to enhance Multi-image Manager to support the Cross-System Coupling Facility which will be available in the new 4.1 release of MVS/ESA SP, due in March, and it will also expand its L-Comm intersystem communication facility. The company is planning to support the nebulous SystemView systems management strategy for Information Systems Management, Peformance Management, Operations Management, Software Management and Network Productivity. AutoMate/XC, which provides remote locations with external management and outboard console facilities, has been extended to include automation of non-IBM systems, and the company says it will provide an OS/2 Presentation Manager version of AutoMate/XC in the first half of 1991. Legent is also extending its VTAM network performance product, NetSpy, to incorporate local area network information, and is beta testing the new Astex storage management product.