Satisfied that the merger that created it, and the subsequent acquisitions are now firmly bedded down, Vienna, Virginia-based Legent Corp is in buying mode again and on Friday it announced that it has signed a letter of intent to acquire with Spectrum Concepts Inc. The New York company is best known for its XCom 6.2 file transfer product, which links IBM Corp hosts with some 20 different kinds of client computer. The price agreed for the privately-held $20m-a-year 12-year-old company is 1.5m new Legent shares, which at the current price values the deal at about $48m. The 150-employee Spectrum Concepts claims 300 customers with more than 800 mainframe servers: Xcom 6.2 is designed to transfer files and reports, and initiate jobs on virtually any computer in a network. Machines supported include Apple Computer Inc Macintosh, Data General Corp AOS/VS, Stratus Computer Inc VOS, Digital Equipment Corp VAX/VMS, Tandem Computers Inc Guardian, a range of Unix machines, and IBM’s MVS, VM, DOS/VSE, AS/400, OS/2 and MS-DOS. Its new offering is XCom/SDS designed for automatic distribution and installation of software on remote systems.