Legent Corp, Herndon, Virginia, has added Prevail/XP-Manager and XP-PCS to its Prevail systems management suite. The first sends Unix, AS/400, PC-LAN and IBM Corp VSE status message information to a Windows console. The second is integrated with Prevail/XP-Manager as the control point for distributed scheduling and event notification using agent software to track events on remote systems. A third product, Paramount/XP-ROCSview monitors Unix, AS/400 and mainframe data with defined thresholds and trigger actions. All use Legent’s XPErtware middleware communications software. XP-Manager is $3,500. XP-PCS costs $1,000 per agent for each system and XP-ROSCView costs $2,500 on mainframes, now, with the other implementations set for the first quarter of 1995.