According to the agreement, Siemens will provide GPRS wireless modules, integrating with Legend handheld devices such as pocket PCs. This marks a transformation from a personal data device to a wireless multimedia device, providing users with user-friendly multimedia functions, including voice, fax and data transmission, short messaging and graphic transmission. The two companies will jointly develop wireless handheld products in the GPRS mode. The prototype of the new product is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of this year and will be rolled out to the market in the first quarter next year.

Liu Zhijun, Vice President of Legend, who oversees the handheld devices business, said, With the popularity of the Internet and the official debut of the GPRS network in the PRC in July this year, there is an increasing demand for instant and mobile Internet communications by PRC users and the market potential is huge.

Through this cooperation, both companies will be able to strengthen their leading foothold in the wireless handheld technology market, further enhancing their competitive advantages in the wireless Internet communications arena. Meeting PRC customer needs for instant and mobile Internet communications, this strong partnership will provide a win-win solution for everyone.

Vice President of Siemens Mobile Communications Group, Breuer Wolfgang said, Wireless Internet communications is being regarded as the direction for the information industry’s development. The integration of telecommunications and computer technologies is an irresistible trend. We are pleased to combine our industry-leading wireless network technologies with Legend’s innovative handheld devices to leverage this synergy. With the advanced GPRS technologies of Siemens, Legend will bring the applications of handheld devices to a new stage of development, creating a new trend in wireless handheld devices in China.