According to the company, TBrun automates the test process, freeing developers from hours of intense manual checking to verify and validate each individual module or unit of software.

With the stand-alone version of TBrun, LDRA said that it delivers a cost-effective service by making use of all the powerful static analysis capabilities of LDRA Testbed within TBrun’s fully automated unit test solution.

Working in host, target and simulator environments, TBrun facilitates execution of tests. TBrun stores and maintains test data and results for fully automated regression analysis, as well as providing tool-driven test vector generation, said LDRA. All source code changes are automatically detected and documented, as well as documenting pass/fail and regression analysis reports, added LDRA.

TBrun handles a number of specific language features for C++ such as access to private and protected data, testing of abstract classes and pure virtual methods, ability to test base class methods with a derived class object, template parameters and member templates, vtable verification, test case inheritance from testing the base class, template specialization and partial specialization, according to LDRA.