The service will form part of LCH.Clearnet’s extensive program for new energy clearing going forward from 2008. The launch, planned for autumn 2008, will provide a centralized auction-based exchange and clearing service for the expanding nodal marketplace in North America. LCH.Clearnet will provide central counterparty (CCP) services to a screen-traded nodal auction market as well as OTC broker-matched trades, thus encompassing all areas of this marketplace. Key features will include VaR margining methodology at LCH.Clearnet, along with a new engine at Nodal Exchange to deliver trade optimization to market participants.

Roger Liddell, CEO of LCH.Clearnet, said: I am very pleased to announce this new collaboration with Nodal Exchange. LCH.Clearnet is the leading central counterparty in energy clearing, and this extension into nodal power contracts underscores our determination to expand our clearing reach across new energy and power asset classes. It also represents the first example of our new energy clearing program. In collaborating with Nodal Exchange, we are working with one of the key new markets and firmly believe this will be of great benefit to our power- and energy-focused members.