Lattice Semiconductor said that it will collaborate with Beyond Semiconductor in the development of compiler tools for Lattice’s soft processors. The collaboration will include updates and performance improvements for Lattice’s embedded processor IP compilers and development tools.

According to Lattice Semiconductor, the LatticeMico8 embedded microcontroller and LatticeMico32 embedded microprocessor are optimised for implementation in Lattice FPGAs and PLDs. The embedded processors are provided through an open source intellectual property core license that provides customers’ access to the HDL for the IP, as well as architecture independence and portability to migrate from an FPGA to ASIC platform.

Matjaz Breskvar, CEO of Beyond Semiconductor, said: Our skills and IP are a logical match for Lattice, and we are pleased to bring our experience with advanced embedded processors and software tools to our collaborative relationship. We are honored to have been selected for such a key role, and we believe that Lattice customers will benefit from our ongoing collaboration.

Reportedly, Beyond Semiconductor has created a comprehensive software development flow that leverages its experience building optimised compilers for a variety of embedded processors.

Gordon Hands, director of marketing for low density and mixed signal solutions at Lattice Semiconductor, said: We are excited to work with Beyond Semiconductor. This relationship complements our own skills and reaffirms our ongoing commitment to our soft embedded processor products.”