Unix war veteran Larry Lytle, in the thick of things as strategic relations director at remote procedure call house Netwise Inc, has become executive director of the 209-member Interactive Multimedia Association. Lytle, a Hewlett-Packard Co alumnus and one of the original organisers of the Open Software Foundation who found himself on the opposite side when he went to Netwise, described the associations’s work as developing multimedia portability and compatibility standards for multi-environments. Support of some if its definitions are already required by the US Defense Department and the National Institute of Standards. The organisation finds itself increasingly involved with object-oriented programming and distributed Unix-based systems where technologists are attempting to put video, audio, graphics and animation all on one system. IMA members include vendors, developers and users such as IBM Corp, Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co, NCR Corp, 3M Corp, Eastman Kodak Co, Sony Corp, Pioneer Electronics, Philips NV, Apple Computer Inc, Microsoft Corp, Lotus Development Corp, National Geographic and LucasFilm Inc.