Electronics companies in Korea have formed an alliance to help push electronic commerce in the region, according to a report in AsiaBizTech. Participants such as Samsung electronics Co Ltd, Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd, LG Electronics Inc and Daewoo Electronics Co Ltd will seek to set up a common database containing information on research and development and purchasing and supply, as well as information on the marketing and servicing of products and inventory management. The companies are working on the project as part of the Korean Electropia initiative, which calls for the deployment of a wide spread electronic data interchange system and the creation of electronic shopping malls, by next year. The Korean initiative is in response to research that suggest over 90% of small and medium sized businesses in the country are looking to use the internet in sales and marketing. It is understood that Samsung, Hyundai, Electronic Data Systems Inc and Daewoo will provide the support services for the new system.