Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, New York has now created a new business unit for its Photo CD business: it has also entered new alliances with more than a dozen companies including Apple Computer Inc, L L Bean and the Smithsonian Institution to develop new commercial applications for its Photo CDs, which enables high resolution 35mm film images to be transferred to Compact disk and viewed on a television screen or a computer; the new Kodak Picture Exchange, a global image transmission network, will make millions of Compact disk images available tocommercial users via phone; the company also has several new CD formats, including Pro Photo CD Master disk, which stores larger film formats to meet the needs of commercial photographers; Apple has agreed to buy Kodak colour printer technology for use in future Apple systems, and Philips Consumer Electronics Ltd, Pioneer Communications Inc, Sony Corp, and Toshiba Corp agreed to market fully Photo CD-compatible drives, which will also play standard music Compact Disks.