Knexus, a provider of SaaS offerings, has pre-launched its new Knex-us Social Content Hub to make content social.

The new offering enables companies to create a single, consumer facing destination for video, podcast, image and document assets to engage users, with integrated social interactions to make content more powerful, credible and trusted.

The company said the increase of social media players such as Facebook and Twitter means companies need to generate more content and make it engaging, collaborative and viral to meet their marketing objectives.

Knex-us Social Content Hub enables users to build business by making their content social to enhanced customer engagement and increase sales.

In addition, the Hub combines professional (company and brand) and user generated content, and generate conversations around that content.

It also includes a secure control panel for companies to fully manage their content, both within the Hub and in external social networks, to customise user journeys and social functionality, moderate social interactions and measure ROI using built-in analytics.