KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has extended RightNow’s customer experience suite RightNow CX Intent Guide to its mobile website.

KLM has used RightNow CX Intent Guide on their corporate website since 2007.

The extension of the service to the company’s mobile Web interface is aimed to deliver dynamic support information to customers.

With the growing use of smartphones, the KLM mobile site is now receiving more than 20 thousand visits per day, said RightNow, adding, KLM’s mobile site allows passengers to book flights, check-in, check flight status, and, with RightNow CX Intent Guide, receive quick access to answers to their queries.

Intent Guide uses advanced natural language search technology which delivers high-value, relevant content to users, said RightNow.

KLM director of e-development Rob Zwerink said his company is aiming for 10% of the overall online visits to occur on the mobile site.

Zwerink said, "To achieve this goal, we must deliver an excellent customer experience every time customers interact with us."

"Mobile is one of the most important channels for us now, and we have invested in technology to ensure our passengers receive an excellent experience on the move. It is critical that we are able to provide the same level of service via smartphones and our website to ensure consistency in brand experience, especially during peak times or events that result in a high-level of online queries," Zwerink added.