KIKA Clinical Solutions offers Veracity EDC platform. The company claimed that its Veracity is a web-based clinical trial software platform that delivers clinical asset management for any size clinical trial. Veracity is customised to meet study needs precisely. It provides flexibility and customisation with advanced EDC including images and online adjudication.

Bjarne Bodin, CEO of BioStata, said: We choose KIKA because we wanted to set up a fast and easy way to enter events and perform online event adjudication.

We also wanted a secure means for exchanging confidential information with the DMCs. We have the perfect complementary technology to facilitate these services with Veracity.

Linda Beneze, CEO of KIKA Clinical Solutions, said: The use of DMC/DSMB and EAC is increasing. Sponsors want the security of experienced people and bulletproof validated systems. KIKA and BioStata complement each other’s offerings to provide sponsors the combination of an EDC platform and CRO services.

BioStata is an international company that specialises in statistics and worldwide EAC and DMC/DSMB services. It offers SOP system and a network of clinicians and statisticians to ensure a updated level of service.