The initiative, which includes webcasts and a CD-ROM produced by Eveo, features excerpts from the Second International Kidney Cancer Symposium held in Chicago last October. The CD-ROM allows viewers to see discussions of current clinical trials, surgical options, allogenic transplants and vaccine therapy for kidney cancer by speakers from the US, England, France, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. Funding for this project was provided through an educational grant from the Chiron.

Streaming video deployed on the Kidney Cancer Association website promotes greater awareness of the latest therapy research findings on this disease, said Carl F Dixon, president and CEO of the Kidney Cancer Association, in a media statement.

Many oncologists missed this critical symposium, which unveiled results of recent drug trials for treatment of patients with metastatic kidney cancer, added Eveo CEO Olivier Zitoun. This educational web video initiative is providing kidney cancer researchers and specialists an opportunity to reach a global audience, especially the many who weren’t able to attend this important scientific forum.