Kendall Square Research Corp has unveiled a new object-oriented application development and execution environment, which runs on its massively parallel machines. The KSR/Object Development Environment is for large database management, real-time decision support based on those databases, and industrial, research and academic environments trying to manage or model large interrelated data sets such as geographic information systems. It supports C++, and users can compile applications using Unix Systems Group’ CFront compiler and CBack, a C-to-C translator, which reduces compile and link times and object and executable sizes, and helps in debugging if a C++ source-level debugger is not available. However, Kendall Square has also enhanced its own KSR/Series Interactive Parallel/Serial Debugger to support C++ source code and its Performance Analysis tools, which match performance data with parallelism, mapping both program structure and computing resources. KSR/ODE also includes KSR Presto++, a parallel sets programming model and tool set that organises objects into groups and executes functions in parallel over all the groups. Parallel sets are implemented as a library of template container classes with both serial and parallel member functions. No pricing.