Co-founder and CTO Yuval Ben-Itzhak explained the relevancy of the move, saying his company was finding that as many as half of all deployments of the KaVaDo suite involve the security of internal applications such as enterprise resources planning or customer management programs like SAP, as much as they do web mail applications or other inter-organization systems. Diagonal has the reputation and the right expertise to build on this, he said.

Diagonal Security is actively trying to broaden its focus from network and infrastructure security to firewalls and web application security after an aborted management buy-out last year. In July 2003 the CEO and finance director of its Farnham, UK-based parent company both resigned after failing to complete the MBO of its ailing secure networks division.

The two companies will work together to exploit opportunities in key vertical market segments like financial services, Ben-Itzhak said. Diagonal Security claims in excess of 500 customers and has accredited partnerships with big name security vendors of CheckPoint, RSA, Nokia and Cisco.

This article is based on material originally published by ComputerWire.