Juniper Networks has introduced a 100 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) adapter which will be delivered on the T1600 Core Router.

The company said that core networks, driven by rapidly increasing network traffic, will soon require a new generation of scale, and that its 100 GE interfaces would provide an increase over the majority of interfaces that are currently available in the market.

Juniper expects that its 100 GE interface card will enable service providers and data centres to reduce the number of interfaces required in their networks, supporting topologies and investment protection.

Opher Kahane, senior vice president of Juniper, said: 100Gbit Ethernet has always been inevitable; it has just been a question of when. Now trends such as cloud computing, data centre consolidation and virtualisation are making the need for 100Gbit Ethernet more acute and urgent than ever before.

Juniper said that its new interface card will be showcased at Interop Tokyo, and is expected to be deployed in customer pilot networks on Juniper’s T1600 router by the end of 2009.

The company informed that Verizon is looking to commercially deploy 100G sometime in 2010.