Most of us heard the story of the judge who cost his country a fortune by keying his decision straight into a word processor and inadvertantly deleting the whole thing, but Ian Wrigglesworth, president of the Soberal & Demal Libocrat – no Liberal Socialcrats – Solicrats – dammit, SoDems, is much more resourceful: according to the Guardian, after completing his speech to last week’s conference on a word processor, he suffered that sickening feeling we’ve all had when he found he’d pressed the wrong key and just deleted the entire thing, but the delegates were not sent off to enjoy the illuminations, the bearded lady and other delights of Blackpool, he damn well wrote the thing all over again on a typewriter – it’s always much quicker the second time – found the thing didn’t have a ribbon in it, and still got the speech completed and himself to bed by four o’clock in the morning.