Jive Software, a social business software company, has entered into a partnership with Twitter to license Twitter Firehose and provide customers with real-time access to social networking site’s complete data stream, including over 65 million tweets each day.

The company said that the agreement allows customers to be able to quickly address any conversations happening on Twitter in a user-friendly Jive interface. It allows users to access tweets through the Jive Market Engagement, a strategic component of Jive’s SBS.

The company combines social media monitoring software with SBS’s collaboration features, enabling customers to implement a unified social media marketing strategy.

Ari Newman, senior director of product management at Jive, said: "Social businesses can’t afford to have spotty access to conversations that happen on the social web, or they risk brand interruption. With this partnership, we’re providing our customers constant, full-picture access to everything that matters on Twitter for faster decision-making."

Separately, Dachis Group has entered into a partnership with Jive Software to develop and implement social business initiatives. The companies will collaborate on product development and vertical industry best practices.

Under the partnership, Jive will work with Dachis to guide Jive’s product development process and create best practices for vertical industries. The companies will collaborate on a series of best practices research that both companies can use to drive competitive differentiation for customers.

Jeffery Dachis, CEO and founder of Dachis, said: "Both Jive and Dachis have a tremendous amount of institutional knowledge around social business technology and strategy. Working together, we can build on Jive’s technology expertise to shape products that directly address the biggest problem faced by business today, cutting through the noise."