Java is gradually getting kitted-out with the kind of support it needs if it is to become a fully-fledged participant in the enterprise, and Java creator Sun Microsystems Inc is getting plenty of help from its industry partners to fill in the blanks where they still exist. Yesterday the company announced a JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface specification which will enable developers to create Java applications with a unified way of accessing multiple naming and directory services across networks. It includes support for Novell Inc’s NDS NetWare Directory Services, Sun’s NIS naming service, DNS Domain Naming Service and the standard LDAP Light Directory Access Protocol. The JNDI specification has been developed by Sun, Hewlett-Packard Co, IBM Corp, Netscape Communications Corp and Novell. Each will develop its own implementation once the spec, currently out for review at, has been finalized. A polished version of the spec is due next quarter. First out of the shoot claiming support is Novell, saying it will make an early version of an JNDI implementation providing access to NDS available to developers later this month. In addition to Novell’s internet- enabled version of NetWare – IntranetWare – NDS runs on Solaris, NT and other Unixes and is supported by the likes of HP, SCO and Microsoft. JavaSoft says it will make a reference version of the spec available in the third quarter.