Java luminaries Kim Polese and her partners have solved the problem of what to call their infant company by settling on Marimba Inc, but as to what the company will actually do, it was saying little more than has been said already. Marimba Inc, says the quartet of Ms Polese, Arthur van Hoff, Jonathan Payne and Sami Shaio, was created to provide next- generation technologies for deploying network-aware Java applications. The success of any new computing paradigm is based on its ability to create a market structure that supports its growth, says Eric Schmidt, chief technical officer at Sun Microsystems Inc. Sun is excited about the role that Marimba will play to advance Java as an open, platform- independent programming language for the Internet and beyond. Marimba’s products are already in alpha test at a select group of organizations. Marimba plans to announce and ship its initial products next quarter.