Jasmine Technologies Inc, San Francisco, is seeking $25m in damages in a suit that alleges that Rodime Inc, the US arm of Rodime Plc, and several of its executives, one current and one former Jasmine director, two fired executives and others conspired to weaken Jasmine so that they could take the company over: privately held Jasmine supplies disk subsystems for Apple Computer Inc’s Macintosh computer, and Rodime was a major supplier of the drives to Jasmine until early this year; one of the key allegations in the 19-count, 50-page civil complaint is that for much of last year the Jasmine defendants schemed with Rodime executives to order more disk drives than necessary, thus burdening Jasmine with more than $1m of inventory that it had no reasonable expectation of selling, causing it cash flow problems; Jasmine further claims that many of the disk drives supplied by Rodime were defective and that this disrupted operations, delayed shipments and damaged its reputation.