The Juniper network infrastructure upgrades the University’s campus connectivity to external networks with support for advanced IP services, more robust network security and 10 Gigabit Ethernet speeds. The SINET3 infrastructure, using Juniper Networks T-series core routers, connects more than 700 universities and R&E institutions throughout Japan and links the country’s research and education (R&E) community with the rest of the world.

The Juniper Networks Integrated Security Gateway (ISG) 2000 is a purpose-built, high-performance integrated security gateway that provides unmatched firewall and IPSec VPN performance for the latest Internet applications and multimedia content. Since deployment, the University has enjoyed faster network throughout and support for IPv6, which are criteria for connecting to SINET3. The ISG 2000 was also selected for its flexibility and reliability, including upgradeability to include full intrusion detection and prevention (IDP) capabilities through an optional add-on card.

The Juniper Networks M120 router was selected for its high-performance, superior reliability and comprehensive support of both IPv4 and IPv6. With the M120’s ability to deliver multicast IPv6 services while serving as a core router, the University will be able to deliver advanced services to its students and researchers efficiently and cost-effectively. The Juniper Networks M-series uses a hardware-based approach combined with the highly scalable, secure and reliable JUNOSTM software, which enables multiple services to run concurrently on a single IP/MPLS platform.