Gartner Group Japan, which recently absorbed Dataquest Japan, has reported that sales of both Unix and personal computer servers in Japan grew strongly during 1995. Shipments of Unix servers totaled 74,800 units, an increase of 51% in unit terms. Shares were divided with Sun Microsystems Inc in top place with a 22.2% share, Hewlett- Packard Co and NEC Corp neck and neck with approximately 18% share and Fujitsu Ltd in fourth place with 14%. Sales of personal computer servers increased by a total of 135% over 1994, to 66,800 units, and 192% increase in value terms to $537m, with Windows NT servers taking a 53.2% share and NetWare 41.9%. Next year, Gartner Group expects sales of personal computer servers to outrun Unix servers, at 137,000 units (growth of 105%) against 104,000 Unix server units (39% growth), and the ratio of NT servers to NetWare servers at 68% to 30%.