Graphical user interface software developer IXI Ltd of Cambridge will next week launch its latest product, Deskworks 1.0, a suite of integrated productivity tools targeted at heretical Sun Microsystems Inc Sparcstation users that prefer the Open Software Foundation’s Motif graphical user interface over Sun’s Open Look and have IXI’s manager, X.desktop, installed. Deskworks is also said to be suitable for IBM Corp RS/6000 workstations and file servers and the Santa Cruz Operation Inc Open Desktop contingent already fitted out with X.desktop. It includes text editor, time manager and diary, a Unix mail front-end, reminder, calculator, world time clock, secure screen lock, phone book and chess game. IXI is hopes to exploit corporate situations demanding a consistent Motif interface. IXI will also launch its latest release, 3.5, of X.desktop, which now supports video images so that pictures of people can be encapsulated as icons. IXI says it has enhanced the user interface and cut install time. Deskworks will be out on Sun kit next month and on Digital Equipment Corp, Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM systems in September, at from $75 to $300 depending on the number of users. The new X.desktop ships for Sun, Hewlett and DEC systems in the third quarter.