To recap, WS-I does not make web services standards, but instead, standardizes the tests that ensure, for instance, that one vendor’s implementation of SOAP or other web services standard will interoperate with another’s.

Until now, WS-I has restricted work to two profiles: the Basic Profile that covered SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1, UDDI 2.0, XML Schema 1.0, HTTP 1.1, and XML 1.0 second edition; and the Basic Security Profile, which covered X509, SAML, Kerberos and other user token profiles.

Now the WS-I board expanded the Basic Profile, adding tests for two W3C standards: WS-Addressing, a standard specifying headers for recipients or endpoints for web services messages; and MTOM, a standard for optimizing transmission of SOAP messages that should help when carrying binary attachments or payloads.

Additionally, WS-I approved a new profile dealing with asynchronous messages. The new profile encompasses two proposed standards: WS-ReliableMessaging (WS-RM), which covers whether a message was received only once and in proper sequence; and WS-SecureConversation (WS-SC), which authenticates the series of messages exchanged between two parties.

The vote marks the first time that WS-I has extended its mission since its original formation.