IT professionals in UK businesses are keen to innovate but may be being held back by budgets, according to new research.

According to SolarWinds‘s ‘IT Trends Report 2015: Business at the Speed of IT’, while 96 percent of IT professionals place importance in adopting new technologies, 77 percent said that budgets were a barrier to successful adoption.

In addition, 44 percent claimed that a shortage of personnel was another key drag on innovation.

The survey also suggested that the difficulty in persuading decision-makers of the need to innovate was another problem. Over a quarter said that CIOs were either a barrier to adoption or uninvolved.

"These findings highlight the vital roles that IT and technology now play for today’s businesses. Businesses can only progress and perform as quickly as IT enables them to — it’s business at the speed of IT," said Suaad Sait, executive vice president, products and markets, SolarWinds.

He continued: "Empowering IT — especially to successfully adopt and implement new technologies quickly — should be a top priority for every organisation. This will become more important as we move further into the hybrid cloud era.

"The Cloud offers tremendous opportunity to streamline business and reduce costs, yet, as the study finds, three out of five organisations have migrated less than 25 percent of their infrastructure and about one in ten have not migrated anything. IT must be given the resources they need to make this transition. Otherwise their businesses may suffer."

The report was based on a survey in December 2014 of 208 UK IT practitioners, managers and directors from a range of different-sized companies.