The Sydney-based company claims it is the first enterprise search vendor to roll out full support for Microsoft’s entire Windows Vista suite which includes Office applications like Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Access.

Isys said it Isys 8 enterprise search platform supports all these application file formats.

Ian Davies, founder and managing director of Isys said the move is necessary since Microsoft is introducing completely new file formats with both its Office 2007 and Vista products.

As companies start to adopt the new Microsoft applications, they may be faced with the surprising reality of an incompatible search tool, he said.

Davies added that businesses can’t rely on Microsoft’s answer; not yet at least. He said that Microsoft’s new found search efforts, which include the forthcoming SharePoint 2007 Search application, are a basic first step into better search but do not yet step up to the needs of diverse enterprise search needs

Isys 8 was released in September last year. It represents a major product overhaul that adds entity extraction, proximity searches, enhanced search analytics and support for Microsoft SharePoint.

Isys was founded in 1988 and has customers using its enterprise search software mainly in the US, the UK and Australia. Customers include Boeing, Cisco and the US Department of Homeland Security.