Amidst claims of providing IBM 3270 and DEC VT100 emulation in a single terminal, Aldermaston-based IIS Intelligent Information Systems UK has announced a new dual-host option for its IIS IBM 3270-compatible workstations. Using the new option, the IIS workstation can be connected to an IBM 3174 or 3274 terminal concentrator and communication controller as well as to any mainframe or mini with asynchronous communication. A new windowing facility on the terminal enables users to split the screen in two, and work in both environments concurrently; switching and data transfers can be performed via a single key. There is also provision for window sizing and independent scrolling. The option is available now for IS-391D and IS-392D monochrome and IS-392C and IS-392F colour workstations. The list price for the new extension is UKP250.