Petah-Tikva, Israel-based Tadiran Ltd, with sales of some $730m in its home country, has established Tadiran Telecommunications UK Ltd in Maidenhead, Berkshire. It will initially supply T::DAX, digital access and support systems targeted at owners of private 2Mbps and 1.5Mbps networks. The system provides centralised management of network provisioning, protection switching, performance monitoring and local and remote testing capabilities, in addition to an integral hybrid multiplexer, combining E1 and T1 over DS-3 links. Also, Tadiran claims that a unique advantage of the switches is absolute transparency to various line codes to bipolar violations and timing, which it says makes them ideal for true test access and enables them to be used as a management vehicle for gateways and mixed traffic environments. At an unspecified date the UK arm will add a range of system enhancers to its line. Aiming high, Tadiran UK is to target carriers such as British Telecommunications Plc and Mercury Communications Ltd with its local loop access products: managing director Nathan Gartner claims that we have a niche in which there is no real competition for these, since their capacity is mid-way between rival products. This, Tadiran claims, makes them more cost-effective for the size of European exchanges; Gartner says that the all-in price per port is $300 while other systems can cost up to 10 times that amount. Tadiran is in embryonic form at the moment, having only just become established, but it intends to sell products directly rather than establishing a dealer or distributor network. It already has a presence in the US, and says that its Telecommunications Group is the major supplier to Bezeq, Israel’s domestic telephone operating company, for which it has long term contracts to supply central office switching, voice and data transmission equipment, and telephone sets. Among Tadiran’s other activities is the application of defence technologies to the commercial sector (it claims to have several such projects under way), while the company also claims to have been one of the first manufacturers in Israel to have implemented Total Quality Management.