The effect of the Analyzer, the Israeli hacker who made unauthorized forays into a number of computer systems including that of the Pentagon has been mixed for Israeli companies specializing in security solutions. While the massive coverage has boosted awareness of the need for data security among companies, there has also been a negative side-effect. Memco and Finjan for instance have encountered harsh reactions about the Analyzer’s activities. Memco says it has even faced suspicions that the Israeli intelligence services will make sure that back- doors will be left in systems sold to clients working on sensitive issues. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s misplaced comments that seemed to praise the ingenuity of the Analyzer (teenager Ehud Tannenbaum) have not helped the situation according to the company. Other companies such as start-up Abirnet which produces systems for detecting intruders in real time say that sales have risen since the case became public. Larger companies with costly solutions on offer have detected a greater interest in products, but customers for this type of system do not rush out to buy goods on the basis of panic, according to senior managers at Finjan.