Call-processing company Isotel Research says it was surprised by all of the attention its 50Kb embedded Java virtual machine attracted at last week’s JavaOne show and plans to devote many more resources to its Java development. Hewlett-Packard Co, Isotel’s show floor neighbor at JavaOne which has its own 500Kb embedded JVM, showed plenty of interest in the work, though Isotel says there have been no specific business negotiations on a license yet. Isotel has had no problem from Sun Microsystems Inc which has railed against such ‘subsetting’ of Java. We know the Sun people very well, Calgary, Alberta-base Isotel says. It is also unperturbed about Microsoft Corp’s expected entry into the real-time market with a ‘hardened’ Windows CE (CI No 3,380). After all, the traditional embedded and RTOS vendors have spent years developing their system software and the mostly conservative telecoms companies are not going to jump into untested waters.