Isicad has modified its Cadvance CAD software for the Novell NetWare 386 environment, releasing the first CAD product to be certified by Novell for NetWare 386. Cadvance for Workgroups is available in single-user, NetWare or NetWare 386 versions. Isicad has developed three-dimensional hidden line removal and SQL server and engine applications as NetWare Loadable Modules for use with NetWare 386. The Modules enable compute-intensive tasks to be handled by the network server, freeing up individual personal computers for other activities. Other Module hooks have also been incorporated for the user or third parties to create Modules for CPU-intensive tasks. Architects working in groups on one project can check the progress of a colleague against their own. Reference files allow several users to assemble compound documents. If that reference file is being edited, other users can receive changes to that reference file by requesting an update. These can reside anywhere on the network and up to eight files to be attached to the current drawing. Files can be password protected and defined as visible or snappable. This means no two users can edit a file simultaneously, but several users can view a single file in a read-only format, avoiding corruption. The file will be automatically loaded when it is free. Cadvance also has an internal DXF translator, so files in DXF format can be imported to or exported from an active drawing. Isicad reckons that 86% of its users will be connected to local nets by 1992 and that over 80% of those will be on NetWare networks.