By using Enovia SmarTeam to create a unified environment for managing its Catia digital design data, Iscar is enabling all users across departments, from engineering to manufacturing, to participate in collaborative product development processes.

Iscar, part of the IMC Group, is leveraging the Dassault Systemes product lifecycle management (PLM) system to accelerate design cycles and enhance product quality by improving management of its rich 3D design data and streamlining design approvals.

To achieve these design-related goals, Iscar chose to deploy Enovia SmarTeam’s collaborative engineering system to support advanced Catia design-to-manufacturing processes. The new concurrent design environment will span all Catia V5 and SmarTeam seats across the company’s sites worldwide.

Andy Kofoid, vice president of Enovia at Dassault Systemes, said: The Enovia SmarTeam Catia solution is the best solution on the market for powerful, rapidly implemented, collaborative management of Catia data.

Angel L. Blanco Diaz, PLM solutions leader at IBM, said: ISCAR understands the business benefits that advanced design collaboration can bring.  We are confident that our solution will make an ongoing contribution to companies across all industries as they sharpen their competitive positioning and market leadership for next year.