iPipeline, a provider of on-demand software that supports marketing, selling, and processing solutions for the insurance carriers, distributors and producers, has released its revised Illustration Suite powered by COSS.

The company claims that the release intends to provide agents with improved selling power through new needs analysis and advanced sales concepts and application enhancements. Illustration Suite integrates with iGO e-App, a fillable form, for the seamless transfer of information to accelerate the application process.

The new concepts and enhancements within the release of Illustration Suite, Version 7.1, include the advanced sales that has been expanded to 30 concepts including Split-Dollar Comparison, Term versus Permanent, and Mortgage Acceleration.

The two new needs analysis concepts, Key Person Valuation and Pension Maximization, expand the total number of needs analysis concepts to 15. The passing of solutions from needs analysis to the Illustration module enables the agent to carry over results of the customer’s analysis, such as future income needs, to model.

The expanded treatment of the pension maximization concept in needs analysis determines how much insurance is needed to replace the pension gamble. The Illustration module has an improved user experience including a single-screen entry across life and annuity product lines, said the company.