Reports surfacing on the MacRumors website and numerous other blogs have claimed that Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus is ‘bending’ in users’ pockets.

Photos were posted to the Apple fan website purporting to show a large bend in the phablet-sized iPhone after periods spent in the front pockets of users.

MacRumors user Hanzoh said: "Yesterday, I left at 10am with the iPhone in my left FRONT pocket of my suit pants. I drove 4 hours to a wedding, which also involved a lot of sitting during dinner etc but also 2-3 hours of dancing. I left at 2am and went to bed, driving home 4 hours back.

"So in total, the 6 Plus was about 18 hours in my pocket while sitting mostly.

"As I lay it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch to relax from the drive (yes, sitting again ), I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhones slightly distorted. Now I lay it flat with the display side on the table, take a look."

If the flaw is not a hoax engineered by those who want to take a shot at Apple, the bendy flaw is most likely down to the large screen size combined with the lightweight aluminium casing used on the model.

Other users were quick to criticise the users who were getting bent phones, claiming that ‘this is exactly what will happen’ if you keep phones in front pockets.


But Hanzoh replied: "The pants are not tight, as they are suit pants, they give in and are not as rigid as a tight jeans. I did not feel the phone while sitting down, if I had felt any pressure, I would have taken it out."

LG was quick to comment on what is now being hashtagged as #bentgate on Twitter. The phone maker tweeted a photo of its LG G Flex smartphone, alluding to the fact that Apple is secretly trying to mimic its curved-screen technology.


CBR has reached out to Apple for comment, but has yet to get a response.