The mobile industry is on course to increase its contribution to European GDP by 20 percent by 2020, as the IoT and 4G drive new revenue opportunities

The mobile industry’s contribution will rise from €500 billion to €600 billion by 2020, according to the GSMA‘s report ‘The Mobile Economy: Europe 2015’.

4G will come to account for 60 percent of mobile connections over the same period, compared to 20 percent today, with 4G coverage reaching 95 percent of the population by the end of the decade.

The number of subscribers is set to remain fairly static according to the GSMA predictions, with Europe on course to have 450 million by 2020, or 81 percent of the population.

This is a rise from 430 million unique mobile subscribers by the end of 2015, constituting 79 percent of the region’s population.

Alex Sinclair, Acting Director General and Chief Technology Officer at the GSMA, said: "Mobile subscribers in Europe are now benefiting from download speeds that far exceed the global average and are taking advantage of a range of innovative new services made possible by next-generation networks and devices."